Friends, Romans, Countrymen…

October 1, 2011 Ka'ela Ja'el

This weekend seems to have been about Romans. Not the Italian Romans but more the Centurion type, you know, the ones from two thousand years ago. The fantastic Tansy, who I think may have a thing about Ancient Romans, has been doing a series of posts on the Matrons of Awesome.

Now, I have a confession to make. I wasn’t really reading these, just glossing over them as she posted them, and then she posted the brief history of Livia Drusilla and somehow I was hooked. I had to go back to the beginning and read through them, and now that I’ve had the cook’s tour of the Roman Matrons I want to re-read Love & Romanpunk, seeing as I now have a deep, educated understanding (1) of the women she references.

So, I finished reading all about Livia, and Julia, and Drusilla, and Antonia, and Julius, and Brutus, and Caligula.And picked up my very next bit of study material only to have it reference Caligula straight away!

Which rounded off the day nicely, really.

(1)Ha! Not really

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